Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Otto & Johanna Rachuig Lang Family

I can't remember which of Johanna and Otto's grand-daughters sent these pictures to me because it was several years ago. (One of them wrote me recently and said Johanna's middle name wasn't Martha. I guess my genealogical records were mistaken.)

The couple in the upper-right picture are Herbert and Bessie Lange. (Herbert was Otto and Johanna's youngest child.)
I think they appear again in the unlabeled pictures in the middle-left.

Frieda Elydia Lang was their middle child. (I wonder if my records have her name spelled incorrectly.) Her husband was Alma Lonzo Nail. The group picture in the lower right shows Johanna with her daughter Frieda, daughter-in-law Bessie, and her grand-daughters (Bessie and Herbert's children).

Johanna and Otto's oldest child Accue was killed in combat during WWI.

Richard Henry & Anna Kunkel Rachuig On Their 50th Wedding Anniversary

This picture shows Uncle Rich and Aunt Anna on their 50th anniversary. The date is November 11, 1956. I don't know the location, but I assume it's McAllen, Texas. Pat Walker told me they celebrated their 74th anniversary the year Uncle Rich died. Amazing.

Caroline Bernhardt Harmel

Pat Walker sent me this picture of Henrietta Bernhardt Rachuig's sister. The notation on the back was written by Caroline's great-niece (Pat's aunt), Frieda Rachuig Flair. As she says, she didn't know her grandmother Henrietta, so she fondly remembers her great-aunt as a 'substitute.'

I've posted pictures of Frieda in earlier entries. She's the young girl holding the reins in the picture of Richard Henry Rachuig's family taken at their home in Olney. (I think that's the location. Maybe Pat, Mike or Elizabeth will known.)

Anyway, I'm always glad to get pictures of people born in the 'old country' - in this case Posen.

Richard Henry Rachuig At 17

Uncle Rich's grand-daughter, Pat Walker, sent me this picture of him taken in 1897. You'll recall that I had posted a picture of his brother Frederick and mistakenly said it was of Uncle Rich. I'm glad we've finally corrected this.

Notice the wicker chair in this picture. It's very distinctive and appears in many of our family pictures. The photo studio in Clifton made good use of it.