Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hans Mansur, 1926-2012

Hans Mansur on the left with his wife Dorthy on her parents' 50th wedding anniversary.  Dorothy's parents Will & Hilda Rachuig Krueger in the center.  Her sister-in-law Mary Hoff and her brother Will Krueger, Jr. on the right.
I'm sorry to report that Hans Masur passed away last week.  He was Dorothy Krueger Mansur's husband.  Dorothy is the granddaughter of Julius & Selma Schulz Rachuig and Julius & Emile Krueger.

Hans always enjoyed (and helped organize) the Rachuig-Schulz reunions.  He wasn't a blood relation, but he was very close to my branch of our family.  He's enjoying a heavenly family reunion now.

A History of Bosque County, 1986

I'm not certain if other family researchers have known about this resource, but it was new to me.  It's a history of Bosque County (Texas) published in 1986.  I found histories of various branches of our extended family (e.g., Ickerts, Bernhardts, & Krugers) as well as information on various communities where branches of the family lived.  (I want to take a closer look at this resource.)

I also noted that the Chisolm Trail (a major path for Texas cattle drives) passed through Valley Mills and Morgan.  I never knew this.

W. T. Block Survey of German Immigration to Texas

My thanks to my aunt, Mayme Rachuig Hause, for sending me this overview of German immigration to Texas.  I need to research the Wendish church in Serbin because there are indications my branch of the Rachui/Rachuig/Rachuy family attended the Lutheran Church in that community.  

Regardless, Block provides a good general survey of German immigration to Texas.


Helon Ruth Viertel Knudson

Here's a picture of Helon Ruth Viertel Knudson as a toddler.   Her maternal grandfather was Rube Rachuig.  Her paternal grandmother was Anna Kamilla Schulz.  The picture was taken sometime in the late '30s.