Monday, August 24, 2009

Oscar and Ruby M. Rachuig Gloff, 1970s

These are pictures of Oscar and Ruby Gloff. Ruby was the oldest daughter of Rudolph and Huldina Rachuig. I think they are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. I can't be sure of the date, but I'll bet it was the early 70s. I can use some help in identifying the other people in the second photo.

(Update) Robert Rachuig sent a copy of the second picture to Helon Knudson, and she had some ideas about the people in it. Here's what she said:


Aunt Ruby and Uncle Oscar were married February 23, 1932. They celebrated their 50th anniversary here at our home. I don't know the names of the girls to Oscar's right but I think they are his nieces. The couple with 2 children was the Pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Jerone Teichmiller, wife Kathy, son Nathan, daughter Kelly.

Do hope that helps some.

Unidentified Rachuigs - Help Identify Them

We have several photographs of unidentified people. I'll put up a few every once-in-a-while. Maybe someone can tell me who they are.

I'm reasonably sure the man on the left is a Rachuig. He looks familiar, and I may be able to identify him by searching other pictures. I assume the woman on his left is his wife. I have no ideas about the other man and two women.

I think this may be a photo of Johanna Rachuig Lange's family in New Mexico. I'm basing it all on the woman standing in front of the window. She looks like Johanna based on other pictures I've seen of her.

I can identify at least two people in this picture - maybe more if I get the original and use a magnifying glass. Selma Schulz Rachuig is the adult woman on the left standing sideways but looking at the camera. The adult woman standing to her left is her daughter, Hilda Rachuig Krueger. Will Krueger, Jr. and Dorothy Krueger Mansur should be two of the children.

Herbert Lang, Late 1970s

This is a photo of Herbert Lang, son of Otto and Johanna Rachuig Lang. He was born in 1901 and died in 1980, so this picture was probably taken in the late 1970s. One of his daughters or grand-daughters sent it to me several years ago. I have others of the Lange family which I will post.

Richard Henry Rachuig Family In Olney, Texas In Early 1920s

I am guessing a bit on this picture. (The original has no annotations.) I think this is Richard Rachuig's family at their home on Bitter Creek in Olney, Texas. Judging by the apparent ages of the children, the date must be somewhere around 1923. Maybe someone from Uncle Rich's branch of the family can clear this up.

The bottom picture is blurred, but the man holding the horse looks like Uncle Rich to me. I've seen him stand like that in other pictures.

The other people in the picture may be Kunkels.

Alice Odegaard Rockway

Robert Rachuig, grandson of Rube and Huldina Rachuig, sent me this picture a while back. It shows him and Alice Rockway, widow of Arnold C. Rockway, who was son of Gustoph Adolph Rachuig. (He anglicized the spelling of our family name.)

I remember that Robert would visit Alice whenever he visited Clifton. He said she was a sweet old woman.

We have few pictures of Gustoph Adolph's branch of the family. I wanted to post one - actually, I'd like to get photos of all branches posted eventually.