We have a new addition to Rudolph 'Rube' & Huldina Rachuig branch of the family. He is Jedidiah David McNeil, born on July 9th. He weighed 9 lbs. 6 ozs. He was 21 inches long.
Little Jed's parents are Jessica (Hein) & John McNeil.
Jessica is the daughter of Layton & Sheri Hein (grandparents).
Sheri is the daughter of Robert & Joyce Rachuig (great-grandparents).
Robert is the son of A. W. & Lurlyne Rachuig (great-great-grandparents).
A. W. was the son of Rudolph & Huldina Rachuig (great-great-great-grandparents).
Rudolph was the son of August & Henrietta Rachuig (g-g-g-g-grandparents).
Here's a picture of the new addition with his first counsins (I think). (Update) Sheri Rachuig Hein has told me her new grandson is posing with his brother and sister. I didn't realize John & Jessica already had children.
Little Jed's parents are Jessica (Hein) & John McNeil.
Jessica is the daughter of Layton & Sheri Hein (grandparents).
Sheri is the daughter of Robert & Joyce Rachuig (great-grandparents).
Robert is the son of A. W. & Lurlyne Rachuig (great-great-grandparents).
A. W. was the son of Rudolph & Huldina Rachuig (great-great-great-grandparents).
Rudolph was the son of August & Henrietta Rachuig (g-g-g-g-grandparents).
Here's a picture of the new addition with his first counsins (I think). (Update) Sheri Rachuig Hein has told me her new grandson is posing with his brother and sister. I didn't realize John & Jessica already had children.
These are our 3 grandchildren - all from Jessica & John McNeil.