Monday, August 13, 2012

Bosquerama, Bosque County's Centennial Celebration, 1954

Charlie Rachuig brought the following photos to the recent reunion.  Even though they are a little 'odd,' I knew exactly what they were.

In May 1954, Bosque County celebrated its 100th birthday.  The exact dates were May 1st to May 8th.  (I've done some research and provided links below.)  I made a trip with my grandmother, Mamie Adams Rachuig, sometime in April 1954, I think.  If we were there during the celebration, I don't remember the parade or any organized events.  Anyway, I remember all the men in our extended family had grown beards, which spooked me a little.  I was just 4-years old, so it all made a big impression on me.

Here are a few pictures of the event, which was called Bosquerama.  Click here for 1st photoClick here for 2nd photoClick here for 3rd photo.

The idea was to dress like people did in 1854; thus the old-fashioned clothes.  Men let their beards grow, and women could not wear make up.  They had a system of fines, or permits for those citizens who needed/wanted to break the rules.  Check out the explanation here.  Here is a better look at the permit badges and other memorabilia. 

Here are some photos of our extended family in their costumes.

Charles A. Rachuig, Julius Rachuig, Charlie Rachuig, & Betty Rachuig at Will & Hilda Krueger's home in Clifton.

Will Krueger, Sr. standing in his front yard in Clifton.

Will Krueger, Jr., Will Krueger, Sr., & Julius Rachuig in Will, Sr.'s front yard.

Same trio as above 'cutting up.'

I can identify all but two people in the next photo. Standing left-to-right: Charles A. Rachuig, Edgar Rachuig, Jerry Belcher, Hilda Rachuig Krueger, Evelyn Rachuig Belcher, Jack Belcher, Walter Rachuig, Sr., Hans Mansur, Dorothy Rachuig Mansur, unknown man, unknown woman, & Julius Rachuig.  Sitting left-to-right: Betty Rachuig with Charlie, Will Krueger, Sr., Alvina Beyerstadt Rachuig, & Will Krueger, Jr.

1 comment:

  1. This helped me on BOTH sides of my family tree! I am a Rachui through my paternal grandmother, Marie Rachui Grams. However, my maternal grandfather was raised in Valley Mills, Bosque Cty, TX. I found a photo of him a while back, in which he has a beard and is wearing a top hat behind the wheel of a model T. The dates match up, so it must have been for this event. Thanks so much for posting this and helping me connect the dots! Bethany
