Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Frederick Julius Rachuig, 1897

Mike Chandler and his sister Elizabeth Egbert sent me this picture of Frederick Rachuig on horseback. The text on the right edge says the photographer was located in Gatesville. I presume that's the location although it could be Clifton. The annotation on the back indicates the date is 1897, just 2 years before he died.

Mike and Elizabeth have said he died from complications relating to diabetes. Another brother (Gustoph Adolph Rachuig) died from diabetes in 1932.

Richard Henry Rachuig's Oral Family History, 1968

(UPDATE) I got notes from Mike Chandler and Elizabeth Egbert who pointed out that the young man in picture below is not their grandfather, Richard Henry Rachuig. (I'm going to leave it here until I get another picture of Uncle Rich as a young man.)

This is actually Frederick Julius Rachuig, Richard's older brother. He was born on September 13, 1876 and died on March 24, 1899. He died very young and never married. He has no direct descendants. I'm glad we have pictures of him. Mike and Elizabeth have sent me another which is posted above. I think it's great.

Click the following link to view Rich Rachuig's family history. I've formatted it in simple text to avoid retrieval problems. It may not look pretty, but virtually everyone can read it without any problems.

He begins with a brief discussion of his parent's lives in Posen and their emigration to Washington County. He talks about their life in Clifton, but he also recounts how he and his brother Gus (August William, Jr.) traveled through West Texas and New Mexico to find a place to farm.

It is fairly long, but well worth reading.

Rich Rachuig's Family History.

Here is a picture of Uncle Rich as a young man, taken when he was 17 years old.

Youngest 4 kids of Alvina & Herman-circa 1930ish

Grandma and her Dandy

Young Alvina Rachuig

Alvina & Herman's Oldest 7 Kids-circa 1917-18

Here is another photo I acquired...the cutest photo of my aunts & uncles-LtoR: Albert, Annie, Frieda, Henry, Ott, Marie & baby Louise...guess my daddy Walt was a "bun in the oven."

Alvina & her kids - August 1942

Here is the photo of Grandma Alvina with her children that corresponds with the picture Herman posted of her with her grandchildren. Front-Frieda, Louise, Annie, Ott & Henry. Back-Walt, Alvina, Maria & Hubert


Monday, July 27, 2009

Mayme Rachuig Hause's Recollections


On this Fourth of July some 50 to 60 years ago, my family would head for the Bosque Co. relatives for the wonderful 4th of July Picnics that were held. Many of the relatives looked forward to the cat fish that would be caught by the method of ‘knoodling. The Bosque River bed was of limestone, and many dark caves under the water, where these very big catfish lived and slumbered. Many of these fish lived to be very old as you can tell by the pictures below. The men usually wore heavy work type gloves, but some of the older men, would not wear them. The fish would be located, and the men would submerge and catch the fish by hand usually in the gills, if lucky. Many a scarred and scratched hand came up with the catch of the day. Usually this was done in the middle of the day, when it would be very hot, and the fish stayed in their ‘little cubby holes’.

Then the fish were strung on a long pole until the men felt that it was enough for the huge fish fry in the back yard of the Rube Rachuig’s on the Bosque River, or in town at Aunt Hilda Krueger’s home just outside Clifton, at the time. The men would clean the fish, and cut it into great slabs of fillets, and then the women would fry them in the old iron wash pot filled with boiling hot lard. It would fry to a crispy cornmeal coating on the outside, but deliciously cooked through and through on the inside. Of course, there was plenty of home made sauerkraut, potato salad, homemade dill pickles, fresh tomatoes, onions, slabs of fresh home baked bread, fresh churned butter from the farm, piled high in the butter dish, fresh yard eggs, jams and jellies from the orchard, home cured hams and bacon, canned vegetables from the garden and the goodies afterward of cookies, pies and cakes. MMM makes my mouth water even now. Can you imagine the daily work there was for farm families back then? Yet, their time was managed so well that they always were free, except for milking daily, on the weekends for family and church on Sunday and 84 domino parties with friends and family on Saturdays..

The men drank the favorite beverage of the German families, beer, some of the time it was home brewed and bottled. (Dad even put up his own beer during probation of the 1920 and early 30’s. Mother still had his capping device long after he died. One year, his batch of beer blew up and exploded all over the place.)Uncle Will Krueger, also provided home brewed grape wine and peach brandy. (Uncle Will never gave out his recipe for peach brandy before he died, which everyone loved to have before bedtime.) Nehi orange and strawberry, root beer and Grapette for the kids, and most likely tea, but the cold sodas were the preferred drink for the younger ones.

The younger cousins would all love to go down to the river to swim when we were out at the Rube Rachuig’s. Laughing and splashing around. Then back to the yard to play under the huge oak trees in the yard. It was always so shady and cool in the yard, as in those days there was no air condition, just the oscillating fans in the house to use at night.

Those were the good ole’ days and most all of them are gone now, but the memories flow back into my memory this Fourth of July in Texas 2009.

Julius Rachuig, Jack Belcher, Walter Rachuig, Hugo Schulz, Edgar Rachuig, and Bernhardt "Ben" Schulz.

Bubbie Rachuig-Sally Ann-Mayme Ruth-Uncle Walter Rachuig and catfish.

Fourth of July 1946 ‘Knoodlers’:

Mr. Bertelsen, Jack Belcher, Herbert Rachuig, Ed Rachuig, Will Krueger, Sr., Ivan Holz, Charlie Lamb and Walter Rachuig.

Aunt Huldina Ekkert Rachuig-Alvina Beyerstedt 1935.

Rachuig ladies and friends 1935:

Huldina Rachuig, Hilda Krueger, Alvina Rachuig, Dorothy Krueger, Ruby Rachuig, Mildred Rachuig.

Dorothy Krueger-Mildred Rachuig 1935.

Leonard Dave Rachuig, Unknown Rachuig, Mayme Ruth Rachuig, Dorothy Krueger, Sally Ann Rachuig, and Mildred Rachuig; in the Bosque River by Uncle Rube Rachuig's place 1934

August and Henrietta Rachuig's Grave Markers

Clifton Cemetery, Clifton TX

Kelly Family Visits Krueger Family - 1953

Charles, Sally [Rachuig], Chuck, and Bruce Kelly visited Will and Hilda [Rachuig] Krueger on their farm near Clifton TX in 1953.

Others appearing in the clip are Will Krueger Jr. and Jack, Evelyn[Rachuig], and Jerry Belcher.

Julius Rachuig, Morgan TX - 1953

Granddaughter Sally [Rachuig] Kelly, and her sons Chuck and Bruce, visit Julius Herman Rachuig on his farm near Morgan TX, 1953.

Rachuig Family in Sugar Land TX - 1953

Julius Herman Rachuig and descendents visit Mamie Adams Rachuig, late widow of Julius' son Herbert Albert Rachuig, in Sugar Land TX, 1953.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Alvina Rachuig Bernhardt

Alvina Rachuig Bernhardt with Grandchildern at the Ft Worth Zoo for a family gathering. Alvina, Max, Herman, Fred, Dorothy and Frances.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Herbert Rachuig with Grandsons, Bob Bass and Chuck Kelly

This is a picture of Herbert Albert Rachuig and his two oldest grandsons, Bob Bass and Chuck Kelly. The date must be mid-1950, possibly April 18th, which was Herbert's 44th birthday. The location is Warda, Texas (just south of Giddings). In April, 1951 Herbert died of injuries from an explosion at the Humble Oil pumping station at Warda.

Edgar and Herbert Rachuig As Young Boys

These are pictures of Edgar Herman Rachuig and Herbert Albert Rachuig cutting up in front of their parents' (Julius and Selma Rachuig) home on Hackberry in Clifton, Texas. The date must be around 1914. Their sister, Evelyn Rachuig Belcher, gave me this picture.

Julius Herman Rachuig Auto Business

This photo shows the interior of an automobile garage Julius owned and operated in Clifton, Texas in the 1920s. Julius is the man in the middle. I think the other two men are employees.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Theodore and Maria Rachui

(UPDATE) Mayme Rachuig Hause has explained to me that Theodore was the son of Johann Rachuy. (We believe Johann Rachuy and August Wilhelm Rachuig were brothers.) Maria's maiden name was Andraisemier. They settled in Marlin, Texas.

Otto Oskar Rachui (see below) was their son.

Emilie Rachui Schminke was Theodore's sister. You can find her obituary in an earlier entry on this blog. It's very interesting because all three branches of the family, Rachui-Rachuy-Rachuig, are mentioned in it.

Linda Rachui gave me this photo at the 2009 reunion. I don't have details on this couple, but I will post them when I receive some.

Oscar Otto Rachui and His Wife

(UPDATE) I got a note from Mayme Rachuig Hause explaining that Oscar Rachui was the son of Theodore and Maria Rachui. (See the next entry above.) Oscar was born on November 6, 1889 and died on October 3, 1935. His wife is Menna Wilhelmine Schroeder. They were married on November 11, 1915 in Marlin Falls, Texas. Menna ('Minnie") died on December 19, 1992 at age 95. (She married Paul B. Grams after she became a widow.)

Linda Rachui provided this photo at the 2009 reunion. I don't have any details on the couple. I hope Linda provides me some, so I can post them.

Charles A. Rachuig and Evelyn Elanora Rachuig Belcher

This is a photo of Charles A. Rachuig, son of Walter and Alvina Rachuig, and Evelyn Elanora Rachuig Belcher. This picture was taken at a Rachuig reunion in 1992 or '93. Evelyn was the sole surviving daughter of Julius Herman Rachuig and Selma Schulz Rachuig. Charles is her nephew, son of her oldest brother, Walter Alfred Rachuig, Sr.

The location is Immanual Lutheran Church in Clifton, Texas.

Caroline, A. W., and Ruby Rachuig

Robert Rachuig gave me this photo of his father and two aunts. From left to right they are: Caroline Henrietta Rachuig Viertel, August William Rachuig, and Ruby M. Rachuig Gloff. They are the three oldest children of Rube and Huldina Rachuig.

Leonard Dave Rachuig, Sr. in 1930

(UPDATE) Mayme Rachuig Hause has told me this photo was probably taken at Will and Hilda Rachuig Krueger's home on the east side of the Bosque River near Clifton, Texas.

Leonard Dave Rachuig, Sr. was the 6th child and 3rd son of Rube and Huldina Rachuig. The location must be their home in Clifton, Texas.

Robert Rachuig game me this photo of his uncle at the 2009 reunion.

Edwin Bewe and Winnie Rachuig

Robert Rachuig gave me this picture of his uncle and aunt at the 2009 reunion. Edwin Bewe Rachuig was the 2nd son and 4th child of Rube and Huldina Rachuig.

August William Rachuig and Lurlyne Coker Rachuig

Robert gave me this picture of his parents at the 2009 reunion. His father was August William Rachuig, 1st son and 3rd child of Rudolph 'Rube' Otto Rachuig and Huldina Ickert Rachuig.

The annotation says the picture was taken before their wedding, which occurred in November, 1935. The location appears to be the Clifton City Park.

Rube and Huldina Rachuig, 1950s

Robert Rachuig game me this picture of his grandparents when we met at the 2009 reunion. They are Rudolph 'Rube' Otto Rachuig and Huldina Ickert Rachuig. Rube was the 8th child and 5th son of August and Henrietta.

My mother and I think this picture was taken in the mid 1950s when Clifton celebrated it's frontier days. Notice Huldina is wearing a bonnet. My cousin Bob Bass and I (Chuck Kelly) visited during the celebrations with our grandmonter, Mamie Adams Rachuig. (We stayed with Jack and Evelyn Rachuig Belcher.)

Many of our male relatives grew beards, so they'd look like frontiersmen. We were just 5 years old and not used to men with beards. They got a big kick out of yelling 'BOOO' and chasing us around the house.

Newspaper Articles Covering Reunions, 1973

Emilie Rachui Schminke (Photo and 1952 Obituary)

Lanelle Schminke Sonntag provided me this photo and obituary of her paternal grandmother, Emilie Rachui Schminke.

Her obituary is a unique record as far as I can tell. It combines elements of the Rachui, Rachuig, and Rachuy families. Of course, her maiden surname was Rachui. (Notice she was born in Poland.) Her son's wife Hattie is a member of the Rachuig family. And, the Kalscheuers (poll bearer at her funeral) are connected to the Rachuy family.

Obituaries for Otto, Carl, and Louise Schminke

Fritz and Willie Schminke

Lanelle Schminke Sonntag gave me this photo her her uncles. Maybe Lanelle can give me more information. I have very few details about the Schminke family.

Julius, Richard, Rube, Johanna, Alvinah, and Lydia

We have a good collection of group pictures showing the children of August and Henrietta Rachuig over the years. I don't know what year this is, but it's definitely before 1958 (when Julius, the oldest child, died).

The location is no doubt Clifton, Texas, but I don't know precisely where.

This is another photo I got from Lanelle Schminke Sonntag at the 2009 reunion.

Rube Rachuig, Lydia Rachuig Lange Larson, Johanna Rachuig Lange, and Richard Rachuig

This is a photo Lanelle Schminke Sonntag gave me at the 2009 reunion. The date must be sometime in the early 1960s. I have no way of knowing, but the location may be Lydia's home in Clifton, Texas. Left to right: Rudolph Otto Rachuig, Lydia Martha Rachuig Lange Larson, Johanna Martha Lange, and Richard Henry Rachuig. All are children of August and Henrietta Rachuig.

August and Henrietta were very fond of the name 'Martha.'

August William Rachuig, Jr. and Telia Harmel Rachuig

Here's another photo from Lanelle Schminke Sonntag that I've never seen before. I think it could be a wedding picture, but I'm not sure. If I'm right, it was probably taken around 1900.

Gus's younger brother, Richard Rachuig, talks a lot about Gus and Tillie in his history of the Rachuig family. Rich moved around West Texas and New Mexico with his brother and sister-in-law before settling down in Olney, Texas and later in the Rio Grande Valley.

I'm not sure where Gus and Tillie (my mother says they always called her Aunt Tillie) finally settled. I think Tillie finally settled in Clifton after she became a widow because my mother says they visited her every time they went to Clifton during the 1930s and '40s. My records show that all of Gus and Tillie's children died very young.

Laura Lange Viertel, Louis Lange, and Hattie Lange Schminke

Lanelle Schminke Sonntag gave me this photo of her aunt, uncle, and mother at the 2009 reunion. I may have met her aunt and mother at a reunion, but I can't remember. I do remember meeting her Uncle Louis.

Lydia, Gus, and Alvina Rachuig

This is another photo Lanelle Schminke Sonntag gave me at the 2009 reunion. I think it's meant to be a light-hearted pose because brother Gus seems to be holding sister Lydia's purse.

Their brother Rich says in his family history that Gus suffered from chronic stomach trouble. He appears to be very thin in every picture I've seen.

August William Rachuig, Jr. and Frederick Julius Rachuig

Lanelle Schminke Sonntag provided this picture at the 2009 reunion. Although the boy on the right is annotated as Uncle Fritz, I think he's August and Henrietta's 5th child (and 3rd son), Frederick Julius. (This is the first picture of Frederick I've seen.) I presume his nickname was Fritz. The other boy is August William, Jr., their 4th child and 2nd son. I think the family always referred to him as Gus.

Fritz died in 1899 at age 22. Uncle Rich, a younger brother, mentions his death in his family history. Their father, August Wilhelm, Sr., also died in 1899. Rich says they had heavy medical bills that year, and the crops weren't good.

Children of August and Henrietta Rachuig, 1951

Lanelle Schminke Sonntag gave me this photograph at the 2009 reunion. I have an unannotated copy in my files. The handwriting identifies each child. One surviving child is missing, Johanna Martha Rachuig Lange. Family members have told me the long distance kept her from visiting Clifton as often as her other siblings.

The location is the front steps of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Clifton, Texas.

Richard Lange and Lydia Rachuig Lange

(UPDATE) At first I thought the man was mislabeled in this photo, but then I realized the woman is Lydia Rachuig. Therefore, I'm reasonably sure the man is correctly identified as her first husband, Richard Lange, and the label should replace Lydia for her sister Johanna. (They both married Lange brothers.)

Lanelle provided this photo at the 2009 reunion. I believe it's mislabeled. I'm sure it's a wedding picture, and Otto Lange was her husband. (Otto was the brother of Richard Lange who married Johanna's youngest sister, Lydia Rachuig.)

I don't have the date of their marriage, but it must have been around 1893. They lived in New Mexico. Otto died young, as did his brother. Their older son Accue was killed on the front-line in France during WWI.

Louis Larson and Lydia Rachuig (Lange) Larson

(UPDATE) After correcting the photo shown above, I realized this can't be Richard Lange. I'm now reasonably sure this is Lydia's second husband, Louis Larson. I have a picture of them in late 1924. It's hard to tell exactly, but I think this is the same man.

Lanelle Schminke Sonntag provided this picture of her grandparents. I'm not positive, but this looks like a wedding photograph to me. I don't have the date of their marriage, but it must have been in 1907 or early 1908. Richard died very young in 1912. Lydia later married Louis Larson.

Richard's brother Otto married Lydia's older sister Johanna Martha Rachuig. I believe Otto also died at a young age. Otto and Johanna moved to New Mexico. Johanna lived there for most of her adult life. Their oldest son Accue E. Lange died in combat in France less than a month before the armistice that ended WWI.

Lydia Martha Lange Larson's Home in Clifton, Texas

I'm very glad Lanelle Schminke Sonntag gave me this picture of her grandmother's house. I have some pictures from a large family gathering that took place there on December 16, 1924. I'll post them a little later.

This house is located on South Avenue D in Clifton. I assume it is still there although I'm not sure. Lanelle will know.

Sisters-in-law Visit Selma Schulz Rachuig

Lanelle Schminke Sonntag provided this photo at the 2009 reunion. On the left is Selma Schulz Rachuig (wife of Julius Herman Rachuig). She looks very pale, so this picture may have been taken toward the end of her life when she was ill with tuberculosis.

The women next to her are
Johanna Rachuig Lang, Anna Marie Kunkel Rachuig (Rich Rachuig's wife), Lydia Martha Rachuig Lange Larson, and Helga Westley Rachuig (Gustoph Adolph Rachuig's wife).

The location may be Selma's home on Hackberry in Clifton, Texas.

Home of August and Henrietta Rachuig, Clifton, Texas

Lanelle Schminke Sonntag provided this picture at the 2009 reunion. I'm not exactly sure where this house was located, but it is on the Bosque River near Clifton. I think that could be Lanelle's grandmother, Lydia Rachuig (Lange) Larson on the porch.

Julius Herman Rachuig and Children, Clifton, Texas (1947)

The location is Hilda Rachuig Krueger's home in Clifton, Texas. From left to right: Walter Alfred Rachuig, Sr., Hildegard Marta Camilla Rachuig Krueger, Edgar Herman Rachuig, Julius Herman Rachuig, Herbert Albert Rachuig, and Evelyn Elanora Rachuig Belcher. The children are in order of birth beginning with Walter. Julius's oldest child, Selma Olga Rachuig, died in 1902 when she was 8-years old.

Julius Herman Rachuig and Unknown Friend

I think this picture was taken at his and son Edgar's home in Morgan, Texas. I can't identify the little girl. She may be a neighbor rather than a relative.

Fred Kalscheuer and Hedwig Rachuy Stolz

Betty Kalscheuer Morgans gave me these photos at the 2009 reunion.

Hettie Kalscheuer with sons, Fred and Hans

Betty Kalscheuer Morgans gave me this photo at the 2009 reunion.