Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Louis Larson and Lydia Rachuig (Lange) Larson

(UPDATE) After correcting the photo shown above, I realized this can't be Richard Lange. I'm now reasonably sure this is Lydia's second husband, Louis Larson. I have a picture of them in late 1924. It's hard to tell exactly, but I think this is the same man.

Lanelle Schminke Sonntag provided this picture of her grandparents. I'm not positive, but this looks like a wedding photograph to me. I don't have the date of their marriage, but it must have been in 1907 or early 1908. Richard died very young in 1912. Lydia later married Louis Larson.

Richard's brother Otto married Lydia's older sister Johanna Martha Rachuig. I believe Otto also died at a young age. Otto and Johanna moved to New Mexico. Johanna lived there for most of her adult life. Their oldest son Accue E. Lange died in combat in France less than a month before the armistice that ended WWI.

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